Saturday, June 5, 2010

Two weeks vacation - Family & Grandkids!

The past twelve or so days have been just the greatest of fun...! We headed down to the LA Jackson's - Clark-Me Soon-Jessica-Brandon's home in La Canada... Clark and Brandon headed to Washington DC... A couple days later Me Soon headed to Korea...

Grandpa and I stayed home with Jessica.

Here is Jessica:

These beautiful Roses are Flowers Me Soon brought Grandma J. for achieving an Associates in Art Ceramics at Truckee Meadows Community College. The roses are displayed in her Art Deco Vase.

We had a fun time at the Scullin's - Patrick-Kandra-Harrison-Hunter - Memorial day celebrating the Veteran's, Eagle Scouts (Clark was pleasantly surprised to be included as an honored Eagle Scout) and Scouts - Baseball - Picnic - Barbecue

Here Grandpa and the boys - Brandon, Harrison & Hunter have just raked the pine needles.

Harrison & Hunter heading out to school.

Our next stop was the Chugg's in Las Vegas where we visited with Jared-Geneva-Carter-Hanna-Jake-Josh-Cole.

We had fun at Carter and Hanna's school performance of patriotic songs.

And ever so much fun watching the young boys at play... It was fun swimming with all of them. Is baby Cole suppose to be sleeping or is he just waking up...!

Hanna's play Beauty and the Beast in which she played Belle. She is in her black tights getting ready to go to the play...

Here's Hanna and two ole' dotting grandparents....

Finally on June 4, 2010, we headed home and had a wonderful drive across that barren Nevada desert because of the beautiful fluffy clouds the whole way home!

And Home...with more clouds.

Our Home has a Facelift!

Spring has been trying very hard to come to Reno... To herald spring, we decided to paint our home... What color should we use...! The consensus is, let me see, brown... Brown inside and outside... We are now officially the Brown Home...

It looks just the greatest!