Monday, January 18, 2010

January 2010 Trip

Our famous trip to Salt Lake City and Blackfoot - Idaho... A trip cut short by the flu bug.... but, lots of things accomplished anyway.

We visited with Anthony and Rachel and in Midvale in their apartment as they are awaiting to get into their new home in Farmington.

Growing out fake nails... forever repairing... and repairing....

We also visited and stayed with Erma in Bountiful....

Here she is taking care of us....

Anthony & Oliver in the igloo....

Sabrina & Oliver in the igloo...

In the new Farmington home....


Jackson Family said...

It was great to see you, and so sorry you got the stomach flu. Hope you're both all better now!

Geneva said...

Thanks for posting some new things. You didn't mention the new white we have more ammo to raz dad about. Did he buy it on the internet??